© Claude Truong-Ngoc
With the support of Dolorès Marat
Dolorès Marat is honored to support the two CST awards by offering a print of her magnificent photographs to the winners. Dolorès Marat is very discreet, rare and sought-after in the contemporary art world.
Self-taught, she spent 17 years of her life as a laboratory assistant, before buying her first camera once her children were grown.
At first, she shot portraits and reportage in black and white, then crossed paths with Michel Fresson’s printing process and became an outstanding colorist, creating velvety photographs dominated by red, yellow, green and blue.
Dolorès Marat instinctively knows how to capture moments of life in sensitive and strange atmospheres, imbued with softness and delicacy.
In 2023, the photo poche collection published an album by Dolorès Marat (n°172, Actes Sud edition).